Web, Mobile and Desktop Application Developer

Jobb Kenya

A fullstack web application to help job seekers quickly search through various Kenyan Job boards.

Technology Stack

The application is still under construction. It is built using Python Django framework, utilizing BeautifulSoup and requests libraries for scraping content on job boards. A further includion of a NOSQL database solution using MongoDb is to added so that scraped jobs can be stored and aggregated effectively for users using a custom search mechanism.

Final year project supervision

A web application to help supervisors and students coordinate during a final year software project phase

Technology Stack

This application is built using Python Django framework, with Mysql providing the database solution. Bootstrap3 is the CSS framework of choice for this project. FusionCharts.js, a JavaScript library for creating interactive charts, is integrated for rendering Gantt charts that visualize the software project milestone breakdowns.

Disease Diagnosis

A simple Prolog application built to quickly discove a patients disease from a knowledgebase of disease symptoms. Users are queried on the presence of a particular symptom and the inference engine can suggest a possible disease they may be suffering from.


The project is written in Prolog and hosted on a SWISH SWI-Prolog online shell for interactive querying.

Todo List

A single page Django application for adding and deleting current todo tasks built as a part of my current django learning course.


This Todo application is built with the Python framework Django with a mock save solution provided by Local Storage. Styling is done with Bootstrap4 framework

E-commerce System

A simple Django application built to quickly find products from the store


The project is written in python django and hosted on Heroku.

Photo app

A single page Django application for adding and deleting photos and pictures built as a part of my current django learning course.


This photo application is built with the Python framework Django with a mock save solution provided by Local Storage. Styling is done with Bootstrap4 framework

Tools and Languages I use